CCDPT is Live!

Welcome to your go-to source for info on climbing injuries! I’m so excited to finally share with you what we’ve been working on. This whole project has been a huge team effort from athletes, coaches, clinicians, designers, and artists, all of whom have something in common: a serious love of climbing.

The team at CCDPT is passionate about climbing and understanding climbing injuries, and that’s why we’ve been building this resource for you to enjoy, learn from, and refer to when you’re injured. Most importantly, we’ve created a space where we can all get on the same page. It’s been months (nay, YEARS!) in the making, and it’s still a work in progress (and probably always will be!), but we decided that it was time to get this out into the world for our community to start taking advantage of.

Please enjoy what we have so far, and stay tuned for more updates coming soon!



To Tape or Not To Tape: H-Taping